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  • Writer's pictureAmy Stel

Another angio

Last Friday, Dec. 6, I had my third angiogram, as it is time to check on how things are going on in my brain.

The procedure went swiftly, I even fell asleep this time, which was nice. However, I was more nervous for this angiogram than any other thing, including surgery itself. On top of that, upon arriving at the hospital, I found out that my regular radiologist had a family emergency and a different doctor from his clinic would be filling in. This made me nervous, but I reminded myself that these doctors are highly specialized and do this all the time. The new radiologist came and met with me and my family and after that, I felt more relaxed. Like I said, this angiogram went really well, I only had to lay flat for 2.5 hours which is pretty short. Before I knew it, we were on our way home. Even though this was the swiftest procedure yet, that doesn’t mean I’m feeling amazing. As this was the third time my right groin has been cut open, it is more sore than ever. I also have the nastiest bruise from a blood draw!

All in all, I’m happy it’s over and will find out the results in about a week, when I visit Dr. B for my follow-up appointment. I can’t believe I’m one year out!

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